CAMAP is always looking for ways to improve our Member experience and is currently taking steps towards applying to have the Community of Practice (Forum) accredited. Your feedback is a key step in this process and will enable us to determine areas of improvement for the Forum.

This survey will take an estimated 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback.


2024/2025 Community of Practice (Forum) Evaluation Form

Thank you for completing this form, to help CAMAP improve this program and meet the requirements of CFPC. If you would like a CPD certificate for your records, please make sure you include your first and last name. The certificate will be emailed to you once you submit this form.
Name (optional)
1. What is your professional background?(Required)

2. How long have you been in practice?(Required)
3. How long have you been involved with MAiD?(Required)
4. Which forum do you participate in? (Check all that apply)(Required)
5. What are the reasons you use(d) the Forum? (Check all that apply)(Required)
6. How long have you been participating in the Forum?(Required)
7. Considering the past 12 months, approximately how much time have you spent engaged with the Forum?(Required)

8. Please indicate which ways you engaged with the Forum. (Check all that apply)(Required)
  • Opportunities for collegial case discussion
  • Feeling I have helped more patients navigate process to inquire about MAiD
  • Belonging to a group of like-minded individuals
  • Contributing to support for primary care practitioners
  • Diminishing stigma of under serviced patient populations
  • Discussion on clinical experience with families and caregivers of patients
  • Discussion on clinical experiences with patients
  • Discussion on the management and administration (coordination) of MAiD practice
  • Discussions around challenging assessments
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeutralSomewhat AgreeAgree
I am more confident approaching challenging assessments
I am more knowledgeable about MAiD in general
I am more competent - have more of the necessary clinical skills to provide care to patients requesting MAiD
I feel less stressed when assessing and/or providing MAiD
I feel better able to support my colleagues in providing care to patients requesting MAID
I am better able to address needs of families and caregivers of patients requesting MAiD
I have an improved sense of satisfaction with my career
I am better able to administer my MAID practice
I am more able to identify scenarios with families that may be problematic
I am more able to manage complex patient and family interactions
I feel more connected to the larger MAiD community and less isolated in my work
11. This past year, have you been part of any other professional development program about MAiD? (Check all that apply)(Required)
12. How would you rate the value of participating in the CAMAP Community of Practice Forum compared to other MAiD continuous professional development?(Required)

13. Did you perceive any degree of bias in any part of this program?(Required)
14. For participants from Quebec, does the content respect the Code of Ethics of the CQDPCM (
15. Did you need to contact the Forum Moderator for any reason during the year?(Required)
16. Please indicate which of the CanMEDS-FM Roles you feel were addressed by your participation in the Forum. Please select all that apply. (This question is required by CFPC; if you are not a family physician, you can note that below).(Required)
17. Your involvement in the Forum has been satisfactory.(Required)
To receive CME Credits, please indicate below how many hours have you engaged with the Forum from August 20, 2024 to August 20, 2025. Participation includes reading, reflecting, and contributing to discussions. Note that the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) may audit your claimed hours. In the event of an audit, you must be able to provide proof of your activity, such as records of posts, replies, or contributions made to the Forum.

Thank you for completing this evaluation form! You will receive your CME certificate upon submission.

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