Fall Symposium Evaluation: November 6 - Supporting MAiD Practitioners with Complex Cases

Thank you for completing this form, to help CAMAP improve this program and meet the requirements of CFPC and the Royal College.If you would like a CPD certificate for your records, please make sure you include your first and last name. The certificate will be emailed to you once you submit this form.
Name (required if you would like a CPD certificate; optional otherwise)
1. Please tell us what your professional role in MAiD services?(Required)
2. What is your designation?(Required)
3. Did the speakers disclose their respective Conflicts of Interests?(Required)
Content not strong and/or conveyed poorlyNot as effective as could have beenEffective / consider inviting againHighly effective / please invite againNot Applicable / Don't remember
Julia Wildish (Moderator)
Carmen Hobbs
Megan Miller
John McCarthy
Christy Simpson
Marika Warren
8. Did you feel there was adequate time for discussion?(Required)
9. Did you perceive any degree of bias in this program?(Required)
11. For participants from Quebec, did the activity respect the Code of Ethics of the CQDPCM (http://cqdpcm.ca/tool/code-dethique/)?(Required)
12. Please indicate which of the CanMEDS-FM roles you feel were addressed by your participation in this event. Please select all that apply. (This question is required by the CFPC; so if you are not a family physician, just select that option below).(Required)
13. For these Symposium online events, what types of format(s) would you like to see in the future? (Check all that apply)(Required)
16. CAMAP is preparing the 2025 season of education and volunteers are needed to help with this work. If you are interested, please make sure your name and email are included at the top of this form.

Thank you for completing this evaluation form!