This curriculum includes the following eight topics, developed by working groups made up of MAiD subject-matter experts representing diverse geography and disciplines. All topics are offered in either English or French. 

Topic 1: Foundations of MAiD in Canada

An online, self-study module which includes an introduction to the major milestones in the development of MAiD law in Canada, the federal and provincial processes, eligibility criteria, and safeguards with respect to MAiD, and an ethics primer.


Format: Online Self-Study                                                                         Estimated Length: 90 minutes

Education Credits: 4.5 credits for CFPC, 1.5 Self-Assessment hours for RCPSC, 1.5 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 2: Clinical Conversations that Include MAiD

An online, self-study module on developing an approach to navigating goals of care discussions with particular emphasis on how to include MAiD as an end-of-life option.


Format: Online Self-Study                                                                         Estimated Length: 90 minutes

Education Credits: 4.5 credits for CFPC, 1.5 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 1.5 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 3: How to do a MAiD Assessment

A systematic approach outlining how to receive a MAiD request and prepare for and conduct a MAiD assessment. Particular emphasis is placed on the MAiD eligibility criteria and safeguards underlying all assessments, with a focus on assessor wellness.


Format: Facilitated Session (online/in-person) with online pre-learning modules

Estimated Length: 2-hour online pre-learning + 3-hour facilitated session

Education Credits:  15 credits for CFPC, 5 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 5 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 4: Assessing Capacity and Vulnerability

A deeper exploration of capacity considerations and psychosocial vulnerabilities in MAiD assessments.


Format: Facilitated Session (online/in-person) with online pre-learning modules

Estimated Length: 2-hour online pre-learning + 3-hour facilitated session

Education Credits: 15 credits for CFPC, 5 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 5 CNA accredited hours for nurses

Topic 5: Providing MAiD

Comprehensive, three-part modules aimed to foster skill development and promote the implementation of best practices in the provision of MAiD.


Format: Facilitated Session (online/in-person) with online pre-learning modules

Estimated Length: 3-hour online pre-learning + 3-hour facilitated session

Education Credits: 18 credits for CFPC, 6 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 6 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 6: Navigating Complex Cases with Confidence

Exploring complex MAiD scenarios. 


Format: Facilitated Session (online/in-person) with online pre-learning modules

Estimated Length: 100-minute online pre-learning + 3-hour facilitated session

Education Credits: 13.5 credits for CFPC, 4.5 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 4.5 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 7: MAiD & Mental Disorders

Exploring the main clinical practice considerations involved in MAiD for persons with mental disorders.


Format: Facilitated Session (online/in-person) with online pre-learning modules

Estimated Length: 100-minute online pre-learning + 2-hour facilitate session

Education Credits: 10.5 credits for CFPC, 3.5 hours Self-Assessment for RCPSC, 3.5 CNA accredited hours for nurses


Topic 8: Reflection and Resilience

Mental health experts and MAiD providers developed evidence-based models, practices and resources that are proven to reduce distress, enhance focus, safeguard resilience, and promote professional satisfaction. Reflective practices designed to address the social and emotional challenges of MAiD, and to increase clinician engagement and well-being, are woven throughout all modules and collected in a free handbook, “The Reflection and Resilience Backpack: Resources and Practices to Support Your Journey as a MAiD Clinician.”